Virus question-- experienced parents please? - my 5 month old started coughing after a party
I have two children - aged 5 years and 5 months old. Last night, after a Halloween party, from 5 years old vomited twice. He seemed well this morning, and I was a little tired and cranky this afternoon. He led the excess vomit from his sneaky candy during the game and tired of being awake last night sick. Well - I'm not so sure. About 3 today, the baby is always moody. It took an extra mini-nap each day between 3 and get up to eat, play a few minutes and then we need to reverse - that is more difficult than normal. 5 years, now has a slight fever of 100.9 and headaches. He began to cough a little, cleared his throat. Baby is sleeping and not hot. (Let's ignore the fact that my throat starts to hurt and doesE is the normal paranoia.) There are many viruses these days - Does this sound familiar to everyone? If so - what the diagnosis and the duration? Of course - sick children go to the DR tomorrow. I work full time and two children in kindergarten. I wonder recruit, how about my schedule for next week and prepare. Thank you!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
My 5 Month Old Started Coughing After A Party Virus Question-- Experienced Parents Please?
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Buy Cazal 856 Replica Can Anybody Tell Me Where I Can Buy Some Vintage Cazal 856 Sunglasses?
Can anybody tell me where i can buy some vintage cazal 856 sunglasses? - buy cazal 856 replica
These glasses have been used by a character named Johnny nodes film Rock N Rolla, I see no arrogance, but X in the search for the 856 in particular.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Tan Clot With Period Ok,I'm Gonna Ask This And I'm Warning You It's TMI...Woman Who Are TTC/had Babies......what Is This?
Ok,I'm gonna ask this and I'm warning you it's TMI...Woman who are TTC/had babies......what is this? - tan clot with period
I'm TTC in the last 3 cycles each month, and I have an "AF".
But concern in the past month my cycle was and my time differently than usual.
I had sore breasts, narrow, Bled me differently and my time only took 2 days.
By assigning and started after this time in my last cycle, and today I have my period 2 days ago. A regular cycle of 29-30 days and my period usually lasts 4 days.
Well, I give TMI .. So, if you do not, they do not read.
My time in the last month and she received 2 days ago, so good:
First day: heavy bleeding and blood clots, but not my normal .. little dark are not big, but ... is just the way they looked and they were not very soft (WEEEI know!) As if they would normally.
I started on 1 Day of heavy bright red blood lead.
Day Two: Brown is a strong turn as slippery and some tan / red blood clots ... but no bleeding at all.
Then gone.what is it?
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Samples Of Church T Shirts Why Do People Who Attack God Expect Him To Save Everyone?
Why do people who attack God expect him to save everyone? - samples of church t shirts
If I keep a murderer, I'm a bad person, but if God does not want it is because they do not mess with free will.
You see, God has shown to interfere with the free agency several times in the Bible, when he helped save lives, but these cases are just the bonuses you can not expect all the time. God has no obligation to do anything ever.
For example, I remember when I on a plane that had crashed nearby. My God has never safe landing for help, but because it would mean that it was morally wrong for God to sit and watch all the plans of two years following the year of the accident (before the call to ask, no, I did not notice atheist at the time of Christianity. I think it is) always a sampling error.
However, it is expected to act when certainThe only thing bad happens, but God is eternal. Because our standards are higher than those of God. Wait, let me rephrase that. Our standards are different, but the same. They are separate but equal, if you want. That is what is happening here. My Southern Baptist Church was all about separate but equal from the moment it was founded before the Civil War in 1845. God alone has the task differently than we do.
I even have a shirt that I made, I intend to bring to a future place of parade. He said that "separate but equal," says on the front and back, that he is God. This is a kind of cold, but until tomorrow I'll have to wear a jacket, but I will unpack the front.
Anyway, you know?
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Small Indentions Appearing On My Skin Did I Break My Knuckle?
Did i break my knuckle? - small indentions appearing on my skin
I play volleyball for the following months, I was beating my fingers on the floor of the little finger during practice and games. does not hurt to move, but if I just appear two small dents and hurt them. If I bend, is a burden a little too much. greenish light, but not badly beaten. It hurts when I touch only slightly, and it really hurts them when I was a little harder hit. Sometimes a few of his fans, but usually not so bad. is sprained or broken or difficult to hit?
Friday, February 19, 2010
Horny Peoples Msn Every Time I Lift Weights I Get Horny!?
Every time i lift weights i get horny!? - horny peoples msn
Hey, I do not know why, but when I develop cornea. .... when I am alone in my room when I start lifting weights, I immediately get horny
Is this normal? What can I do? I also get hot when other people) (boy or girl to work me.
The GI-Weg 15, male and straight. Please tell me what to do. You can add my msn is thank you
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Garden Seed Blogspot Where Can I Find A Garden And Seed Company That Ships To Alaska?
Where can I find a garden and seed company that ships to Alaska? - garden seed blogspot
I love gardening, but I can not find seeds and seedlings ships from outside the United States in the country. I live in a city with only a small nursery, but the selection is very limited. I live in Zone 4, where the area is still warm enough to grow plants.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
May Pokemon Breasts On Pokemon Diamond May You Still Go On Wifi If You Used An Action Replay?
On pokemon diamond may you still go on wifi if you used an action replay? - may pokemon breasts
my only friend is using the rare candy and max UPS podedex Master Ball and 999 pp. No light or catch all the pokemon.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Facts On Masterbait WHEN WILL I GO THROUGH PUBERTY!!!!??? Help Please!!!!!!!!!!!?
WHEN WILL I GO THROUGH PUBERTY!!!!??? help please!!!!!!!!!!!? - facts on masterbait
Go Look In, say it how it is ... 14 in the year, and I wonder if I'm always puberty. I do not know if I'm somewhat biased om. LOOK. Pubic bone and just have not reached my hips, they're just a little hair on my Crouch and that's it, while other people my age shame to have her navel! I'm 4'10 too short, and they have a deep voice, nothing. I am very depressed at this stage of my life, because I myself if I ever wonder puberty. I actually grow a mustache and 6 pack abs. My teammates were still masterbation presuring me frequently to support the process of puberty masterbaition is harmful or good for you? I am trying in any way, Affendi Any1 in the community, these questions, but I am very depressed and CooperationNFuse child in this state of my life, and all help would reasuuring, thank you.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Bushnell Imageview 111025 Drivers Looking To Get Binoculars To Take Digital Photos...?
Looking to get binoculars to take digital photos...? - bushnell imageview 111025 drivers
Hello. Am I eligible to receive an award at work, and a price can choose from a Bushnell ImageView. I looked at the site, as Bushnell has many megapixels, but it simply says "VGA megapixel. ....? What does this mean, how can I tell how many megapixel camera binoculars have is I Thank you.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Pictures Of Bacterial Infections On The Tongue Hemangioma On Toungue? Or Not? Anyone Have A Similar Situation. Bleeding & Swollen, Cant Eat, Hard To Swallow
Hemangioma on Toungue? or not? Anyone have a similar situation. Bleeding & Swollen, cant eat, hard to swallow - pictures of bacterial infections on the tongue
In 2004, he was removed by laser and it was better for a while and then it was better for a while. There seems to be coming back to get purple, slightly swollen, and then it gets better. Although approximately 6-7 months with a bacterial / fungal. I could not sleep, eat, talk, was in intense pain. Doc prescribed antibiotics and slowly improved. At this point, we speak of another operation, the whole point of the intensive language other than ... But there are risks, etc. Today, all are illuminated and in pain, like 6 months ago. He said that the advice of a dermatologist. For the moment, and said to mild dishes (not only for drinking water) and eat the pain ambesol (of the mind that is open and bleeding worse off now that the photo) AW he thought about it or something like that, I'm desperate! @ N0 ...
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Ho To Clean Leather Gloves Ho Do I Clean Light Brown Leather Boots With Red Wine Spilled Over Them?
Ho do I clean light brown leather boots with red wine spilled over them? - ho to clean leather gloves
Lick your own. Do not waste good wine.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Playing Recorder On Thumb Callus I Have What Seems Like A Tin Whistle,but Made Of Wood.It Has 6 Holes(4 Up,2down)and No Thumb Holes.What Is It?
I have what seems like a tin whistle,but made of wood.It has 6 holes(4 up,2down)and no thumb holes.What is it? - playing recorder on thumb callus
It looks something like a recorder, but a hole and thumb hole missing.It produces a very sharp, like a flageolet whistle.Is one? If yes, then you can as a whistle or a recorder to play? I also have a school in Australia (my cousins, not Aboriginal!)
Artie Lange What Is The Presale Password For Artie Lange At Foxwoods?
What is the presale password for Artie Lange at Foxwoods? - artie lange
This show is January 23, 2010 at the MGM Foxwoods. Tickets go on sale 23rd October 2009. Thank you.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Cheap Prom Dresses In Springfield Mo Where Can You Find Cute, Cheap Prom Dresses?
Where can you find cute, cheap prom dresses? - cheap prom dresses in springfield mo
I heard about a website where you can buy clothes and then go to the store provided, but I forgot the name of the site. Does anyone know this? If not, where can I find cute clothes for cheap?
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Free Pinky Videos For Psp Can You Name A Few Sites Where I Can View Movies For Free?
Can you name a few sites where i can view movies for free? - free pinky videos for psp
hey .... I really want to know whether there are sites like .. I mean, trying to HAV and youtube, but never seem to have an entire film ... See .. I knew this place called Pinky film was very good, but she can not! Please help!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Resale Property At Kharghar Buying A Resale Property In Kharghar?
Buying a resale property in Kharghar? - resale property at kharghar
This is a conspiracy Goath 12.5% of the respective tripartite (CIDCO, goathair, builders) Document of Understanding and the certificate of occupancy and a certificate of Clérance.
Is a 1 BHK flat. We want to know if other documents requested by the seller, must be checked. Is it necessary that the seller have an NOC from CIDCO. Furthermore, the manufacturer is still a society in force. Its almost two years. We buy the supplier, whose purchase of stamp duty and copies are available.
Is there any body any idea what kind of documents is important, when buying a home for sale in Kharghar Goath has 12.5%, the company has not yet been formed. I want a loan application and before I agreemnet a sale, I must know, the documents required for examination and approval required to make
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Medium Format Slide Projector Where Can I Scan Medium Format Slides In Warsaw, Poland?
Where can I scan medium format slides in Warsaw, Poland? - medium format slide projector
In Warsaw, that a web design project and I'm very curious, if possible, find a place to scan medium format slides?
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Cubefield Online What Is The Best Online Flash Game?
What is the best online flash game? - cubefield online
I searched and searched, but so far I have seen yet cyclo maniacs, Cubefield, skiing, snowboarding.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Muscle System Of The Toad Does Having A Stronger Muscle System Make One More Resilient To Minor Aches And Pains?
Does having a stronger muscle system make one more resilient to minor aches and pains? - muscle system of the toad
In other words, if I is working in the parts of my body where the pain occurs, it is especially when it has to do to the muscles?
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Are Camera Flash Bad For Eyes Is A Camera Flash Bad For Your Eyes?
Is a camera flash bad for your eyes? - are camera flash bad for eyes
I have a picture up close, closer, and I accidentally flashing eyes. DMAG are my eyes?
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Crohns Disease More Condition_symptoms Can Walking Pneumonia Make Somebody With Crohns Disease Die?
Can walking pneumonia make somebody with Crohns disease die? - crohns disease more condition_symptoms
My grandmother, who has had 63 years Crohn's disease for 30 years is relatively good, but something else. To do just caught pneumonia and I am appalled that this will cause to kill his worst and Crohn. No idea on this issue would be very grateful.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Best 30d Camera Bag Best Reason To Upgradeto Canon 30D From XT?
Best reason to upgradeto canon 30D from XT? - best 30d camera bag
Rebel XT is not just looks. It was beautiful, the day before. You need to have the camera this weekend, so I think the upgrade. I portraits, but not full time, but I take my camera every day and learn to use my camera to full manual. The quality of the 30D that much better than the XT? An idea of what my camera does not just sitting in my camera bag? No batteries.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Rate My Vaginia What Does “data Rate†Means In Digital Camera Video Recording?
What does "data rate" means in digital camera video recording? - rate my vaginia
My Canon SX100 IS digital camera offers two options for video recording.
1. Normal Mode
2. LP mode
LP mode, you can record video, two times longer than normal.
I took the path and found the following information when I checked the properties of the video files.
Normal: 14884kbps Data Rate
LP mode: Data Rate 7384kbps
Low quality video data rate not higher data rate then?