What is the function of the Patron Saints? - patron saints for businessman
The Holy Scripture teaches us to pray in Jesus' name. But I've heard that some religions worship a holy place of Jesus. Why and what is the biblical basis for that?
What is the function of the Patron Saints? - patron saints for businessman
The Holy Scripture teaches us to pray in Jesus' name. But I've heard that some religions worship a holy place of Jesus. Why and what is the biblical basis for that?
This brings us back to our understanding of the communion of saints. When we say we believe that life never stops for those of Christ, and our goal is to unite with him, then the "saints" are alive. Have you ever asked yourself, someone to pray for you too? I do it all the time. The holy presence of God to us in prayer (the Church teaches), and when "two or more are (Christ) the name, collected (it)." (Paraphrase)
The word "prayer" has several meanings. It is to say an old way: ask ". The actors in Shakespeare said: "Please say," which means please tell me. "
A model is an inspiration or role model. San Jose can be a model for men and fathers. The Virgin Mary is a model for mothers, etc.
We ask saints for help, we help to friends and family or AKS pray for us. In John, Chapter 2, was the host of the marriage problem, short wine. The moderator asked the Virgin Mary for help. The Virgin Mary has the problem of Jesus. The Virgin Mary said to the host to do, what Jesus said. We have our problems associated with the Virgin Mary or other saints. The saints can help us closer to Jesus. We must do what Jesus said.
EDIT - I just want to add something, do not pray to saints instead of Jesus. We ask saints for help and worship Jesus. Is "and" no "or".
We ask the intercession of the Holy Christ, our Lord. Patrons are specialists in certain areas of life such as motherhood or marriage is difficult St.Gerard is St.Monica. You can ask the help of such events in our lives, the experience of these events or have a deep understanding of the events of his earthly life and a good friend of his way to help and they bring Christ's love for us in difficult times.
Catholics do it because we teach a part of the communion of saints, is covered by the book of Revelation, also known as St. John of the Apocalypse. We believe that, regardless of whether a Christian is alive or dead, is what you can always ask for help in daily life that have existed friendships with our brothers. Why is everything we have in the biblical name of our Lord? Although I do not understand why their faith is based on a series of texts? There were many examples of Christ's life as we know it, why Santos apply to them because they've been sittingon the throne of the Almighty, are already at its best and help us from heaven, and Christ can be applied to us. And as adoptive father, we pray for his intercession for them, and worship of Christ. We pray to Christ and the saints, as he says, "and" no "or"
Adoptive parents, great line!
Pray the Rosary and receive the sacraments
there are none.
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