Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pictures Of Bacterial Infections On The Tongue Hemangioma On Toungue? Or Not? Anyone Have A Similar Situation. Bleeding & Swollen, Cant Eat, Hard To Swallow

Hemangioma on Toungue? or not? Anyone have a similar situation. Bleeding & Swollen, cant eat, hard to swallow - pictures of bacterial infections on the tongue

In 2004, he was removed by laser and it was better for a while and then it was better for a while. There seems to be coming back to get purple, slightly swollen, and then it gets better. Although approximately 6-7 months with a bacterial / fungal. I could not sleep, eat, talk, was in intense pain. Doc prescribed antibiotics and slowly improved. At this point, we speak of another operation, the whole point of the intensive language other than ... But there are risks, etc. Today, all are illuminated and in pain, like 6 months ago. He said that the advice of a dermatologist. For the moment, and said to mild dishes (not only for drinking water) and eat the pain ambesol (of the mind that is open and bleeding worse off now that the photo) AW he thought about it or something like that, I'm desperate! @ N0 ...


dr said...

Do a search to MedlinePlus

Starfire said...

even if the upper intestine of the toungue, they wouldnt be more buds, if not it sound too good. I would definitely know a specialist in May that the best way to get rid of him. The terrible beauty, the poor girl.

Laura M said...

This looks) more like a lymphatic malformation (lymphangioma. This is not a hemangioma.

Visit Web Vascular Birthmark Foundation. You can try to e-mail "Ask the" expert - an expert on lymphatic malformations, and you can send a photo.

My son has / had two hemangiomas, and I read a lot about the vascular anomalies in recent years. I went to a conference of the VBF and had a young woman with lymphangioma of the tongue - which was a bit like her daughter.

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